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A short exchange between two characters discussing the mysterious nature of love.


- Convey the feeling that love is mysterious


1) Sit down
2) Write


Sit Down:  Originally, I had the idea of 2 characters talking to each other, in which one loved the other, but the other had no idea of this. I wish I had more intelligent things to say, but really, that's how this story was made.


Write: I sat down at my laptop, wrote it, made brief edits to spelling and formatting, and boom. 'Sixth Sense' was born. 

I think love is sometimes defined as this magical thing when it's really not. But, it feels like it. So that's all that matters, really. Because when we're in love, I think we want it to be that way. We don't want to stop and think about how it's all hormones and circumstance, we just have this sense and want it to be right. 


So my reasoning and process for not making this bigger are just that: when I stop and think about it, I don't want to think too hard about it. I want my creative burst to be as it is - a sixth sense if you will. 

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