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Fail big and fail fast

I discuss my biggest failures un/related to game design, development, and production. Hope your seatbelt's fastened.

Producing remotely:

While working on project Albireo, it was a 14-person team during the height of COVID-19. Although I was a narrative designer, I also served as the team's producer. I had produced my last game with a team the year before and figured I could do it again. 

Boy, was I wrong. Not only did I not understand how to remotely function as a producer, but it took me the entire year to realize I did not like producing in general for a team that large in an engine I wasn't as familiar with (Unreal 4). 

I struggled to connect with my team and understand their problem points in their own workflow. While it was clear when there was a bug, art discrepancy, or design decision that needed to be clarified, the process for detecting those and solving them wasn't something I could do fast enough, or accurately. 

In short, I failed my team in a lot of ways. I didn't prepare enough for being a remote producer and I didn't understand the needs of my team well enough to help them best work together. I felt like a cheap Elmer's glue for a year, barely holding the team's Leads together and half understanding the workflow in the engine, which everyone on the team was using rather efficiently. 

If I could do it again, I would spend at least a month researching, researching, researching HOW to remotely produce. I'd look at tools and schedule times to make sure everyone is on the same page. I'd look at where other remote producers fail and what tools they use. Ideally, I'd read more about team dynamics, as this is lost in the digital realm. 

I would prepare more and work on my responsiveness to potential issues. Learning the engine we're working in is something I'd invest time in as well. 

Too much trust:

During one project, I worked with a team of all programmers. I was the only designer assigned to do narrative work, which meant writing barks and designing how players would understand what they were doing and why. 

In short, while this was the best time I've had writing content for a game, it was one of my biggest failures yet. It was a failure because while I was understanding the ideas I had and the content I was designing, I didn't communicate what I needed or wanted the programmers to do. 

As a result, much of my work isn't seen and what is there, isn't understood well. I didn't speak up when the meetings veered from "how should we implement these narrative iterations" to "but what about that bug with the camera?" (we had many bugs on the camera, and shout-out to my team for figuring out every single one). 

This wasn't my team's fault either. But I should have recognized that trusting my co-workers to "just get what I meant" isn't enough. I also didn't check in with them about my content or what the status of the pipelines was for getting the content in the game in the first place. These questions are what a narrative designer should do, and while it was my first attempt at it, it was a colossal failure. The game has barks from four characters, yes, but the text doesn't interface with the player or the environment well. 

The story is also lost due to combat and lack of art assets, which was a limitation for the academic nature of the project and not anyone's fault, but this meant whatever I wrote was going to have to cover all bases. It didn't, and it's obvious when players play the game (Homeward Bound), and seem confused about what they're doing, what the goal is, or who they are. 

Another issue was that I worked mostly on barks and dialogue, which while that's easy for programmers to implement, doesn't account for the other methods a story can be told: the environment, enemies, or style of the world around the characters. I had an imbalance of tasks and things that would take longer to test and implement weren't things I worked on until the end, which didn't make it into the game.

If I could redo it, I would jump into a production-role first, organizing a better timeline and system for communicating these narrative changes, then work on the narrative content that the team could easily implement or test first. I would regularly discuss how the story works within the game and make sure the team was on the same page about how we "saw" the product, not how we saw it "at the moment". 

While this is production-related work, I could have used those skills rather than relying on my team to just align their thoughts with mine. 

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