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Master dialogue sheet
Homeward Bound

The master document for scenes, passive exchanges, barks/quips, and tutorial sequences for the project Homeward Bound.

1) Design the characters for Homeward Bound using dialogue/quips

2) Write and design 4 distinct characters (players)

1) Design the world for Homeward Bound

2) Write and design 4 distinct characters (players)

3) Write and design the emotional and narrative context for the game



1) Brainstorm

2) Consider archetypes

3) Write dialogue/scenes



Brainstorm: As a four-person team, we discussed the type of game, its potential technological and narrative requirements, and whether it could be done in the 14 weeks allotted.  Unlike Albireo, I had more creative control over the narrative in terms of writing the dialogue and worldbuilding. However, most of the work I did was never implemented in the game for various reasons. 


Archetypes: I began by narrowing down 4 archetypes of player types, such as a ranged, DPS, or mage character. Even though each character systematically didn't function differently, I wanted players to feel like they could choose between 4 different characters nonetheless. If I could give them different voices, this would help.


Write: Each character came from a different context so I could differentiate their lines. This also helps with identifying them in the game (though the assets we were forced to use did not look that different, unfortunately). I also chose human-like characters because the enemies were smaller, more colorful, and oddly shaped. I wanted players to easily identify themselves and others because everyone would be on a top-down shared gamespace, which could make seeing your character difficult.


I spent time creating their arcs within the game, and how they could change or create a meaningful relationship over time. Since the game was cut to an extremely small portion of what it originally was designed to be, this isn't very clear in the build.


In the end, the result was this master dialogue sheet showcasing most of my dialogue and outward-facing narrative work.


Below is the full document (the last few pages are somewhat small but I could not format them to auto-zoom in, my most sincere apologies. Therefore I have also attached the downloadable document directly below if you'd like to view it in a separate window):




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